The Roy A. Hunt Foundation has several Giving Circles, a process which increases opportunities for collaborative or small group grantmaking by Trustees. The Community Farming Giving Circle is a committee is composed of Hunt family trustees who share an interest in healthy farms and healthy communities, and with a mission to improve access to local, nutritious food, and in farmers practicing sustainable agriculture. Trustees of the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Giving Circle are committed to social justice and anti-racism and believe that understanding systems and the role they play in issues related to race leads to better decision-making, more equitable outcomes, and greater philanthropic impact. It is critical for people of all races, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses to have legitimate access to opportunities. Grants for both Circles will be awarded in the $15,000-$30,000 range. More detailed Statement of Directions and application guidelines can be found under the How We Fund tab.