Vision: Living in Harmony
We envision a natural environment that is understood and respected as a web of interconnections of which human beings are a part, where people live in harmony within the Earth’s ecological systems, where biodiversity is preserved as an integral component of economic and technological progress, and where human impact on Earth serves to maintain sustainable processes.
To protect natural resources and ecosystems in the United States, we support sustainable solutions to altering root causes of environmental damage and encourage education for consumers and decisionmakers.
To promote strategic activities that create incentives for environmentally responsible decisions in the private sector.
Climate and Energy – To reduce the consequences of climate change in the United States, primarily through:
- Increasing the affordability and use of cleaner and renewable energy sources, and
- Reducing demand for carbon-intensive energy sources and carbon-intensive goods and services
Toxics and Waste – To reduce damage to the environment and human health caused by the manufacture, use, and disposal of consumer and industrial products. Typical strategies include green chemistry, sustainable design, sustainable manufacturing, and product stewardship.
Clean Water – To protect and restore the quality of freshwater, coastal, and nearby oceanic areas of the United States.
Types of Foundation Support
The Environment Committee will consider grant requests of between $25,000 and $75,000 for specific projects or programs that improve the environment at a multi-state, national, and/or systems level. Typical costs funded include project management, contracted services, education and outreach programs, applied research, and innovations that could lead to public policy solutions.
The Committee will not, however, consider proposals for:
- Capital projects and easements
- Local watersheds, conservancies, and land trusts
- Grants that directly affect specific legislative decisions
- International organizations/NGOs
The Roy A. Hunt Foundation is unable to consider for-profit businesses for grants. Only organizations with a 501(c)(3) or that have a fiscal sponsor may submit inquiries.
Preferred Proposal Attributes
The Foundation prefers strategies that:
- Promote incentives and other private sector economic levers to encourage environmentally responsible decisions
- Encourage compatibility between environmental protection, economic development, and technical innovations
- Create opportunities for collaborative, cross-sector problem-solving; including action plans, certifications, and assessment tools
- Create methods for individuals and community groups to be better environmental stewards
2024 | 7 Grants | $300,000
How to Apply
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
Environment Grants – LOI Submission Dates
- May 2025 Meeting – submit between December 2, 2024 – January 17, 2025
- November 2025 Meeting – submit between June 2 – July 11, 2025
To submit a letter of inquiry, use our online application system. This system allows you to easily add and update your organization’s profile and gives the Trustees and staff quick electronic access to your information. It also reduces paper use and postage costs for you and the Foundation.
Our New Applicant Help Guide should answer any questions you may have. If you are using assistive technologies to access our web site, or encounter other difficulties with the system, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 412-281-8734 or info@rahuntfdn.org from 8:00am-4:30pm eastern time during the work week.
You will receive an automatic acknowledgement that confirms your inquiry was submitted. We typically respond within 45 days from the submission date deadline to inform you if the Trustees will invite a full proposal.